Slow and Steady Wins the Race

0 min read

19 May 2020

Sheldon, a Horsfield Tortoise from SERC Lisburn Campus Animal Care, tried his hand at agility training recently, the results are quite surprising.

Sheldon is a Horsfield Tortoise from the SERC Lisburn Campus Animal House, who has been spending lockdown at home with Gill Cave, Technician in Animal Care, School of Applied Science, Sport and Access to Education .

Sheldon has made a new friend in Louie, the Working Cocker Spaniel, who Gill trains and competes with, in dog agility. As soon as Sheldon saw how much fun they were having, he decided he had to try agility for himself. It wasn't long before he was ready to make Louie the ultimate challenge, with surprising results.

If you are struggling with work or study during lockdown, follow Sheldon's example; keep trying, keep going and you can achieve amazing results. 


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