SU Recognition Awards 2021- Class Rep of the Year
0 min read
17 May 2021

This March, the 2021 SERC SU Conference was hosted virtually. This was an opportunity to celebrate the amazing work that the Class Reps and SU Officers have done this year with the SERC SU Recognition Awards.
Class Rep of the Year was awarded to David Roy from Level 3 Access Studies and Leanne Reid from Level 3 Animal Management. This award was voted for by the student body.
David’s class said: “David has represented us at every single meeting that has taken place and has always kept us up to date with Class Rep business. He has been someone that you can confide in, a very genuine person who is easy to talk to and has been a great support for our class this year.”
Leanne’s class said: “For the past two years, Leanne has supported our whole class, always including everyone and listening to everyone’s opinions. She has been a voice for the whole class, even as a working mother to four children who has juggled home schooling as well as her own college work. You wouldn’t meet a harder working person, she completely deserves this!”
Remember all students can join the SERC SU Online Hub and the SU Health and Wellbeing Hub . You can also keep up to date with the Students’ Union via their social media channels, the SU are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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