SU Facilitate Webinars for Sexual Health Week
0 min read
12 February 2021

The Students' Union facilitated two webinars this week: one with Common Youth (sexual health service for 16-25 year olds) and one with Positive Life NI (Northern Ireland's only HIV charity).
Common Youth's webinar addressed sexually transmitted infections, contraception, consent, sex and the law and how to access sexual health services. Positive Life's webinar discusses what HIV is, how it is transmitted, the stigma surrounding a positive HIV diagnosis and how it has been portrayed in the media, and how to access support.
The SU engaged with 60 students across various schools in the college. This week's Mindfulness Monday and Wellbeing Wednesday posts have been themed for Sexual Health Week. Students can find a folder of sexual health resources on the Health and Wellbeing Hub. You can also visit the Common Youth website and the Positive Life website.
Remember to join SERC SU Online Hub, and keep up with SERC Students’ Union via social media channels - the SU are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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