SERC Student Jonathan Set To Release Third Book
0 min read
28 October 2021

A part-time student at South Eastern Regional College (SERC) Jonathan Fisher is set to release a new book, a Sci-Fi novel titled 'Where The Stars Be Still As Bright'.
Jonathan has a passion for creativity and writing; this will be Jonathan’s third book release following his memoir “August Always” and a Sci-Fi novel "Ten Minutes On Mars".
He spoke about how he got involved with Sci-Fi and his love for the genre “When I was 7, my father took my brothers and me to watch the first "Star Wars" movie at the Curzon movie theatre in Belfast. I was fascinated with the genre, I watched Star Trek with my dad, Doctor Who and Lost in Space with my sisters and mother. Our whole family was very creative and nurturing in those halcyon days. My father had a library of science fiction books upstairs in a spare room.”
“I read my first science fiction short story in primary school when I was eight. Whenever my other school friends started reading "Charlotte's Web", I was reading stories from the master of sci-fi, Ray Bradbury! In his short story "A Sound of Thunder", I became completely awestruck by his prose. I never looked back."
Jonathan commented on the upcoming release of his new book saying “'Where The Stars Be Still As Bright' is another collection of science fiction thrilling stories. I feel that I have matured in this book - my stories are deeper in their plots and complexity. Science fiction fans, nerds and geeks will be entranced, entertained and enthralled.”
Speaking about his time at the college Jonathan said “My time at SERC has been excellent. I study the Art for Pleasure course, and I use all the resources available to me, maximizing every opportunity, as every student should. I have made a lot of friends through SERC, staff included. I am immensely grateful to all in the faculty."
'Where the Stars Be Still as Bright' will be available to order through any bookstore and will also be available on Amazon in three formats, paperback, e-book and audiobook from the 29th of October.
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