SERC SU Launch Pride Alliance

2 Min Read

11 February 2021

Pride Alliance

As part of LGBTQ+ history month SERC Students' Union has today launched the Pride Alliance.

As part of LGBTQ+ History Month, the SU is excited to announce the launch of the Pride Alliance. The aim of the Alliance is to bring LGBTQ+ students and allies together to support each other and make a welcoming community. There will be various support materials on the Alliance channel as well as social channels run on Discord. The Alliance will also be running various events â€“ details to be announced shortly. 

Beth Maginness, one of the organisers of the Pride Alliance said, â€œI think what truly inspired me to be part of the creation of this Alliance was the experience that myself and I think many others go through when finding out who they are and being confident in expressing that. 

She added, â€œIt can be very isolating and confusing, feeling as though others won't understand or accept the way that you feel. I think, especially at the minute when we can't meet with loved ones, it is so important to have a space for people who may be going through the same thing to come together and share their experiences and problems; to know that others are going through the same things.” 

Beth concluded, â€œThe Pride Alliance aims to create an accepting space for all members to be who they are without judgement. We want to further normalise all things LGBTQ+ and beyond, to bring everyone together and to enact change when we see issues arising. Overall, we aim for the Pride Alliance to be a support to students.” 

Join the Pride Alliance by visiting the SU Online Hub. The hub also has details on how to join the Discord. 

As part of the launch day, the SU officers involved in setting up the Alliance will be introducing themselves via socials throughout the day. We cannot wait for you to join us.  

As well as the SERC SU Online Hub the SU has a Health and Wellbeing Hub you can join. Keep up with SERC Students’ Union via social media channels - find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

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