SERC Alumnus Matthew Talks Employability with SERC Business Students
0 min read
06 December 2023

South Eastern Regional College (SERC) alumnus Matthew McArthur, a Principal Consultant at Hays Recruitment, recently gave a talk to SERC Level 3 Business Students at the College’s Bangor SPACE Campus.
Matthew completed the SERC Level 2 and Level 3 Diplomas in Sport and Exercise Science and then progressed to Ulster University to study a BSc in Communication, Advertising and Marketing. Matthew now works as a Principal Consultant for Hays, which provides recruitment and human resources services across 33 countries globally.
During the talk, Matthew discussed the future world of work that students will be entering, including what they can do now to best prepare themselves and what future employers are looking for and he also helped them understand the current employment market in Northern Ireland. In addition, Matthew gave the students access to free courses to help boost their employability and gave advice on creating CVs and using websites such as LinkedIn.
Matthew said, “It was great to be back in SERC. This is my second year coming back to support the college and the business students, and I felt the sessions went very well - we have received great feedback as well as strong engagement from the students."
On his time at SERC, Matthew concludes, “Going to SERC filled me with confidence and helped me to understand my potential. I had support for my dyslexia, and the focus on coursework, together with a more engaging approach to knowledge suited my way of learning. Looking back, I had a great experience, I enjoyed every moment, and made friends for life at SERC.”
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