Restart a Heart Day
0 min read
15 October 2021

Restart a Heart Day takes place on the 16 October 2021. The Resuscitation Council UK along with the British Heart Foundation, British Red Cross, St John Ambulance, NHS Ambulance Service and Saving Lives for Scotland are working together to help raise awareness of cardiac arrest and teach CPR.
In light of COVID-19, the steps you should take when performing CPR have changed - but the need to perform CPR has not.
Out of hospital cardiac arrests are still happening across the UK, and by learning and performing CPR, you could be the difference between life and death for a loved one at home, a colleague at work, or a stranger in the street.
Whether you’ve learnt CPR before, or this is your first time, this is an opportunity to learn how CPR guidance has changed during COVID-19 and gain the skills and confidence to help if someone collapses and stops breathing normally.
The short video that explains the steps you should take if you see someone in cardiac arrest (supplied by Resuscitation Council UK): Click here
Information regarding CPR, click here
The College has 17 defibrillators located throughout all campuses click on the link to find where they are located click here
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