ReThink, ReCharge, ReConnect - Corporate Staff Development 2022

0 min read

11 January 2022

See information below for Staff Development 2022

Please take the time to read the information about the workshops and speakers before booking.  All information can be found here.  Some sessions have a cap on how many can attend, so if that number has been reached, you will not be able to register and will have to choose another option. If you have any problems accessing the site, please let us know.  

Similar to last year, there will be wellbeing activities throughout the day as well as a variety of online workshops. We hope you find the day useful and informative.

Once you have read the information about each workshop here, we would request that you complete this form to select the sessions you would like to attend (links to join sessions will follow).

Overview of the two mornings:  

We trust you will enjoy the sessions and as ever your feedback is always welcome.

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