Meet Your SU Campus President- Jamie Clarke- Newcastle

0 min read

12 January 2022

Meet Your SU Campus President- Jamie Clarke- Students' Union Campus President- Newcastle

What Course are you studying?

I’m currently studying the Adult Access Course.

What three words best describe you?

Enthusiastic, motivated and genuine.

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time I mostly enjoy being in nature, whether that be walking, hiking or swimming in the sea. I also enjoy sports both spectating and participating.

If you could have anyone’s job for a day who would it be and why?

I’d probably say Barack Obama.  When he was elected as President, for a race to be unrepresented for so long and how that would’ve felt to experience that moment, not only for himself & his family but for the people who’ve suffered for generations.

List three items you would want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?

The first would be a knife, the second would be an endless supply of water and the third would be an endless supply of books.

What is your favourite film and why?

My favourite film would be The Blind Side which is based on a true story of a homeless black teen who drifted in and out of the education system in America. He came from an impoverished background and was taken in by a Christian family who transformed his and their life.  The family went on to become his legal guardians helping him overcome his difficulties and achieve excellence in education and American Football. Due to his tremendous size and protective instincts, he played school football and went on to be an NFL Super Bowl Winner.

What made you want to run for campus president?

I wanted to run for the role to create a better student experience.

What impact do you hope to have?

If I can make a single persons SERC experience better, then I’ll consider that a win. I want to help people and when they think of me, I want them to know that they can count on me.

What are you looking forward to most from your term?

Experiencing the journey… I’ve been out of education for a while and just being around like-minded individuals is great. There are so many different people from various backgrounds and it’s amazing to learn new things as we all have different life experiences.

Jamie is one of seven Students’ Union officers from our Newcastle Campus, our other elected Newcastle officers are:

Jade Casement- Activities Officer

Laura Wright- Welfare Officer

Caitlin Sloan- Equality and Diversity Officer

Rhona Kelly- Women’s Officer

Katherine Millen- Disability Officer

Brian O’Neill- Eco Officer  

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