Quarantine Care: Skin Care

0 min read

14 May 2020

Now more than ever, hygiene and self-care are very important; with this in mind, the SERC Beauty Lecturers have banded together to give you some tips and tutorials on giving yourself some quality quarantine care. This week is focused on skin care.

Now more than ever, hygiene and self-care are very important; with this in mind, the SERC Beauty Lecturers have banded together to give you some tips and tutorials on giving yourself some quality quarantine care. This week is focused on skin care.   


  • Wash/gel with water and foam if you have oily congested skin. 
  • A cream/lotion can be used on normal dry mature skin to revitalise it. 
  • Micellar water is good for a basic cleanse without make up
  • Wipes are not recommended. 


  • For manual exfoliation, use an abrasive cream. 
  • For mechanical exfoliation, use a micro dermabrasion machine. 
  • For enzymatic exfoliation, use fruit enzymes to soften and then slough away dead skin cells. 
  • To exfoliate with a peel, use a gel/cream and gently exfoliate. 


  • Use a spray/liquid to close pores and regulate normal Ph levels. 

Moisturise and Protect  

  • A lotion – light weight for oily or spot prone skin (ideally with a high sun protection factor SPF). 
  • Apply a day cream every day (ideally with a high SPF). 
  • A night cream is a heavier cream that can be applied to feed your skin during sleep. 

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