Plumbing Apprenticeship has Conor Learning Family Trade
2 Min Read
19 May 2023
Conor McMullan (17), from Castlewellan wasn’t always sure about which career he would embark on, but after some thought he decided to enrol on the Level 2 Plumbing Apprenticeship and is training towards a career in the family trade
Conor McMullan (17), from Castlewellan wasn’t always sure about which career was for him, but after some thought he decided to enrol on the Level 2 Plumbing Apprenticeship at SERC’s Downpatrick Campus and is training towards a career in the family trade.
Conor says, “After GCSEs I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I initially put a lot of thought into the idea of becoming an electrician, but that didn’t work out, and so looked to plumbing, which I’m very familiar with. A lot of my family are plumbers, my dad’s a plumber and so are four of my uncles, so along with a friend, I came down to the college to enrol.”
He adds, “One of my favourite parts about the course is the thought process required for the technical and mechanical side of the job. It can be difficult, but I really do enjoy that challenge”.
“For my apprenticeship, I am currently employed with Paddy Devlin of PD Plumbing and Heating. It’s been a great opportunity to work and develop my skills and knowledge on the job. Some days there’ll be something I’ll be unfamiliar with - whether that be a job or situation I’m not sure about, and that’s when I’ll take a step back, and watch and learn, so that the next time I see that same situation, I’ll be in a position to do it myself, which has been important in my development.”
Conor believes the training style of an apprenticeship has been hugely beneficial: “Sometimes on the job it can be so busy that you forget to ask questions, but when you’re in college you’re able to ask and develop a better understanding of the job you’re doing, which then further helps develop your ability.”
He concludes: “I’ve enjoyed my time at SERC. I’d recommend anyone interested in plumbing to consider the course as it’s been very enjoyable, you’ll have the chance to meet new people and develop friendships from the moment you arrive, and the teachers are very good.”
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