Part Time HE Course Offered Kirsten Perfect Family Life Balance
0 min read
15 June 2021

Studying HNC in Healthcare Practice at SERC provided Kirsten McCardell (22, from Downpatrick) with the perfect opportunity to study Higher Education while also balancing family life.
Kirsten had previously studied Level 3 Health and Social Care at the college but wasn’t sure if a return to education was the move for her. “I was unsure about returning to SERC because my daughter was only 5 months old at the time, but I found it very easy to balance family life with studying as I was on a part time course.”
Kirsten who studied at the Newtownards campus reflected on her time at the college “I enjoyed how nursing/healthcare featured greatly in my studies, and during my first year I enjoyed being able to meet new people and make new friends.
“My tutors where amazing, Judith is extremely knowledgeable about nursing, and she is an amazing support for all of her students. I hope I can be as good a nurse as she is one day. Frank is so funny and a great support for all of his students, he explains topics clearly and makes everything very easy to understand. They always treated me as an individual and equal and I always felt comfortable going to them with any questions or concerns.”
Kirsten concluded “I would definitely recommend SERC to anyone; they offer full time and part time courses so it can fit around anybody’s home life. I have gained valuable knowledge, I am so glad I decided to do the HNC in Healthcare Practice, without it I wouldn’t have been able to progress into the career I have always wanted.”
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