British Nutrition Foundation Healthy Eating Week
0 min read
16 June 2021

The British Nutrition Foundation’s Healthy Eating Week is all about ‘Find your healthier you’. They are encouraging everyone to reflect on their lifestyles and look to make improvements to enhance their own health and wellbeing – particularly around what they eat and drink on Healthy Eating Week which is the 14-18 June 2021
‘Find your healthier you’ is supported by five themes across the week:
- Know the facts
- Make a healthier choice
- Plan for success
- Be the chef
- Keep moving
MONDAY - Know the Facts
Eat well – Choose a wide range of healthier foods in the right proportions
The UK healthy eating model is called the Eatwell Guide – it shows the balance and variety of foods that make up a healthy diet – to find out more click here
Learn about what makes up a healthy, balanced diet and use this information to plan your meals – click here
You will have heard about the important e of immunity during COVID to find out more click here
Drink plenty - Have at least 6-8 drinks a day
It’s important that we have around 6-8 drinks a day click here to access the healthy hydration guide for adults click here
Focus on alcohol and drinking – to access the factsheet click here
Increase your fibre - Make sure you get your 5 A DAY and eat more wholegrains
Challenge staff to have at least their 5 A DAY and a wholegrain each day! Fun way to fibre – put the fun way to fibre poster up in your kitchen - click here for more info
Learn about ways to have 5 A DAY and wholegrains as snack, and make healthier choices by reading through the Healthier snacking webpage - click here for more info
Tuesday – Make a healthier choice
Tips and tools are shared to help you make better choices. From reading food labels and getting to grips with portion sizes, there’s a range of handy pointers to help you on your journey.
Read the label - Compare nutrition labels to make healthier choices. Looking at nutrition labelsLooking at labels - British Nutrition Foundation to help you make healthy choices the next time you are shopping.
Learn how to make healthier choices by looking at food labels by reading through this information before you go shopping Looking at nutrition labels - British Nutrition Foundation
Get portion wise - Choose the right size portion for you Find your balance - get portion wise! - British Nutrition Foundation
Make healthy swaps, click on the links:
- Healthy packed lunches - British Nutrition Foundation
- Healthy snacking - British Nutrition Foundation
- Healthier snacking while at home - British Nutrition Foundation
Wednesday – Plan for success
Making a plan and keeping track of what you do can all help in changing your behaviour for the better. Small changes can result in big gains too when planning meals and snacks, and eating out – and perhaps also save the pennies.
Ideas and support to make a food plan for the week and keep it varied Weekly Meal Planner - British Nutrition Foundation
Small changes, big gains – learn about how behaviour change can support making healthier choices. Small Changes, Big Gains! - British Nutrition Foundation
Now that shops and restaurants are opened make sure to opt for healthier options. Healthy eating outside of the home - British Nutrition Foundation
Change your normal - Small changes can help you achieve your goals
- If you normally provide biscuits in meetings/visitors at home, go for lower fat/sugar options, or swap to fruit.
- Getting lunch? Check the front of pack nutrition labels for those with mostly ‘greens’ and ‘ambers’. It’s also a chance to try something new!
Thursday – Be the Chef
Pulling together healthy eating know-how with practical cooking tips can help you make tasty, healthier dishes and meals. Healthier cooking tips will be given, with recipes and ideas for inspiration. Be the chef - YouTube
- BBC Good food BBC Good Food | Recipes and cooking tips - BBC Good Food
- BHF recipe finder Recipe finder | British Heart Foundation (
- Change for life recipes Healthy Recipes | Change4Life (
- Food – a fact of life recipes Recipes - Food A Fact Of Life
- Love potatoes All-Round Guide to Potatoes | Love Potatoes
Friday - Keep moving
It’s not just about what you eat and drink. Moving more, by being active, has many benefits for health and is an important part of a healthier lifestyle.
As well as being active, it is also important that we reduce the amount of time being sedentary, such as sitting at a desk. Over time, sedentary behaviour can lead to weight gain and obesity, which can increase the risk of developing chronic diseases in adulthood such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Make sure you get up from your desk every hour.
Everyday activity -Incorporating activity into daily life - British Nutrition Foundation
Get on track - Follow the physical activity recommendations
Recommendations for adults (19 - 64 years) are to be active for at least 150 minutes each week (moderate intensity), or have 75 minutes of vigorous activity a week. Plus, do muscle strengthening activities on two days or more each week. Use a tracker to keep account how many times you are active in a week Microsoft Word - Move more team tracker.docx (
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