Open Letter To Further Education College Staff

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21 February 2022

Department for the Economy

Download: Open Letter to Further Education College Staff PDF

"I want to take this opportunity to write directly to everyone working in the Further Education (FE) sector to express my appreciation for the exceptional work which you have all taken forward during the continuing very difficult circumstances associated with the pandemic. I also want to set out how I see the sector moving forward.

"FE colleges play a critical role in providing learners with the skills they need to get a job, keep a job and get a better job. With a new world-class estate and with strong links to local employers, Further Education offers learners exciting opportunities to gain the skills and experience they need to secure employment in new and expanding “cutting edge” industries such as environmental technologies, IT and financial services.

"The use of alternative approaches such as Project Based Learning and access to advanced technology provide young people with a real alternative to the academic pathway, with the chance to gain the hands on vocational experience which employers are looking for and which will allow them to realise their full potential.

"This role, alongside the support which FE colleges provide to employers to help them become more innovative and competitive places the FE sector at the core of growing a strong and vibrant economy.

"As you may be aware, the Department recently published the 10X Economic Vision, which aims to encourage innovation across all areas of the economy. Following a consultation earlier in the year, we are also about to publish a new Skills Strategy which will set out how we intend to provide learners with the skills which will be needed to deliver the 10X Vision. We now have a real opportunity to make a once in a generation change in our economy and in our society and FE colleges will be pivotal to delivering that change.

"I want to make sure that colleges are properly structured and resourced to fulfil their role. That is why the Department, with our Minister’s agreement, is commissioning an exercise to gather information on how the FE sector is delivering on their mandate in order to help decide how we move forward. The exercise is due to complete in mid2022 and at that point, we will use the information collected to assess what, if any changes are needed to ensure the Further Education sector is properly equipped to play the key role required.

"It is important to stress that the Department does not have a preferred or predetermined outcome in mind. Our aim is to ensure colleges have the support they need to continue to deliver improved outcomes for learners and for the economy. We need to work together to make that happen.

"During this initial stage, which is focused on gathering the information needed, we will seek to keep staff informed of progress through regular updates to a dedicated page on the Department’s website –

"Once this initial stage has been completed I will then write again to provide an update on how we are intending to move forward and to advise how we will facilitate opportunities for all staff across colleges to provide their views. I would encourage each of you to take the opportunities which will be provided at that point to make your voice heard.

"I would ask you for your positive engagement as we go through this process."

- Mike Brennan, Permanent Secretary,  Department for the Economy

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