Covid Restrictions

0 min read

21 February 2022

See below information on Covid restrictions

The Department for the Economy is discussing mitigations for FE Colleges with the Public Health Agency (PHA) and has requested that, in the interim, mitigations remain in place as summarised in the list below:

  • Covid 19 Symptoms: Those who develop Covid 19 Symptoms are asked not to come onto Campus and take a Covid 19 test. Those who develop symptoms while on campus are requested to return home and take an appropriate test.
  • Temperature Controls: Temperature monitoring by G4S will continue.
  • Masks: It is recommended that masks continue to be worn in public areas within the College.
  • Lifts: Only one person should use a lift at a time.
  • Hand Sanitising and Wiping of Surfaces: Students and staff are encouraged to continue to use hand sanitiser and to wipe down desks etc at the beginning and end of classes.
  • Consuming Food and Drinks within Classrooms: The policy of allowing students to eat and drink within classrooms remains in place. Classrooms are not to be locked during break times etc
  • Lateral Flow Tests: The distribution of these will continue at the designated times and all staff and students are strongly encouraged to take a lateral flow test regularly.  
  • Reporting Student Covid 19 Cases: Staff are requested to continue to raise a Cause for Concern should one of their students develop Covid 19 symptoms or test positive. Staff who develop Covid 19 symptoms or test positive for Covid 19 should continue to inform their Line Manager.

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