Mind Yourself Wellbeing Programme

0 min read

18 January 2021

Would you like to take a Personal Assessment to assess your Wellbeing under the current climate due to Covid-19, well now is the best time to do this at the start of the New Year when we make new resolutions.

Would you like to take a Personal Assessment to assess your Wellbeing under the current climate due to Covid-19, well now is the best time to do this at the start of the New Year when we make new resolutions.

The Mind Yourself Wellbeing Programme was devised and implemented in January 2017 following analysis from a wellbeing survey. To help us develop a healthier working environment taking into account the current environment with Covid-19 we would like all staff to undertake a wellbeing survey which will also help you focus on your own personal health and wellbeing.

The college has registered with Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke (NICHS) to undertake their Work Well - Live Well survey in conjunction with the Public Health Agency. As you complete the survey, at each stage you will receive personal health feedback in areas such as health, stress and your current working environment. At the end of the survey, you can save/print your personal action plan to refer too which will help you focus on changes you may like to make. The survey should only take 10-12 minutes to complete.

Please note, no responses can be linked directly to individual staff members they are strictly confidential as NICHS will receive the responses directly and they will only provide a summary of findings.

To assess your personal assessment by completing the survey please follow these steps:

  • Visit: https://www.workwell-livewell.co.uk/
  • In the green box click ‘Go to Survey’ within the Employees section
  • Create an account using either a work or personal email address and create your own password
  • Copy and paste the following organisation code: SRWFZKNngjiYJGx (typing the code sometimes does not work so try to copy and paste)

Please complete all sections of the survey by Friday 29th January 2021.

If you have any questions email mindyourself@serc.ac.uk

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