Megan Jumping Her Way To Glory
0 min read
19 October 2021

We are continually amazed at the talent amongst the SERC student and staff body, from publishing novels to creating fine art to world class electricians and patisserie perfection. We can now add show jumping to the list of extraordinary talents displayed by those at the college.
Megan Carson (17) from Ballynahinch is a Level 3 Spa Therapy Student in the Downpatrick Campus, and she takes part in show jumping competitions. Megan is representing SERC in the Inter Schools League and is currently sat in first place for her class.
Speaking about how she got involved with the sport Megan said “My Auntie has had horses my whole life so I have grown up with an interest in them. From a young age I would have got on her ponies for fun and started to take lessons at 7 years old. I started competing at 11 and have taken part in many competitions since, including Balmoral, Inter Schools, and Eventing Ireland.
“I enjoy every minute of it, I keep my horse at my friend’s house, so I get to ride with my friend during the week, I love meeting up with friends and competing. I’ve been taking part in the school competitions for a while and now I can represent SERC each of the six weeks the league runs and currently after the first 2 legs of this season I’m sitting in first place.”
Megan spoke about her goals and ambitions within the sport “I would love to hold my place at the top of the Inter Schools jumping league however my main focus is in the Eventing which consists of dressage, show jumping and cross country all in one day. With the help of my instructor, I would love to compete at an international and ride for my country in the future.”
Aside from Show Jumping Megan also enjoys her course at SERC, speaking about her time at the college she said “I am currently studying Level 3 Spa Therapy and previously studied Level 2 Beauty Therapy in 2020. I love the course I am doing; I have a real interest in the massage side of beauty so this year I am in my element. I have found my time at SERC very good; I personally prefer it to the school environment as I am treated more as a young adult and my class is smaller than a school class so you can gain more 1 on 1 attention.
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