Meet Your SU Campus President- Dana Stott- Newcastle

1 Min Read

13 January 2021

Meet Your SU Campus President- Dana Stott- Newcastle

Meet your SU Campus President is a series of news articles we'll be bringing to you this week to help you get to know the Students' Union President for your campus, today is Newcastle campus president, Dana Stott.

What course are you studying?


What three words best describe you?

Hard-working, caring, perfectionist.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Travel, spend time making memories with my family.

If you could have anyone’s job for a day who would it be and why?

A pilot, I have always wanted to fly a plane but poor eyesight would not allow.

List three items you would want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?

A photo of my family, a pot to boil water, fire starter.

What is your favourite film and why?

Anything Disney, I love Disney.

What made you want to run for campus president?

To be a voice for others and try something different for me!

What impact do you hope to have?

Help other students and put forward ideas on improvements for Newcastle campus.

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Newcastle SERC