Meet Your Colleagues - Ross Currie

0 min read

03 February 2020

Here at SERC we are keen to promote internal colleagues to allow staff the opportunity to get to know each other and put a face to the name, particularly due to the size and scope of SERC.

Here at SERC we are keen to promote internal colleagues to allow staff the opportunity to get to know each other and put a face to the name, particularly due to the size and scope of SERC. With this in mind, “Meet your Colleagues” is a fun Q and A exercise to help raise awareness of people’s roles within SERC and allows you to get to know more about your fellow colleagues.

This week’s “Meet your Colleagues” features Ross Currie. Ross is an intern within the Student Engagement department here at SERC. 

1. What does your role at SERC involve?  

My role is to help enrich the Student experience here at SERC. We make sure that the students’ voice is heard, and they are given plenty of opportunities to develop outside of the classroom. We are also involved in running events like freshers and refreshers.

2. Tell us a bit about your background?  

My background is in the arts. I studied History and Classics in Galway before doing a master’s in history in Queens. When I was in Galway, I did a lot of work with the Students Union as well as volunteering with a number of local groups. Before University I worked with a Historical re-enactment company. Going into local schools doing an Irish History version of Horrible Histories.  

3. What 3 words best describe you? 

Creative, Focused, Friendly.

4. What do you like to do outside of work? 

I am a big sports fan especially local sport. Most weekends I can be found at a random Irish League ground or going on about it on my Instagram page. I have set myself the challenge of going to all 35 NIFL grounds in one season. I also love to travel; I love seeing new and unique cultures as well as tasting the amazing food they have on offer.

5. If you could swap jobs for a day who would it be and why? 

I would love to swap with a sports stadium architect, I have always been fascinated by sports stadiums and how they are designed. When I was younger, I used to draw crazy stadium designs and have even played about with a few ideas on Sketchup recently. I would love to do that for a day, so I can play about with the amazing software they have to design the buildings.

6. List 3 items you would want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?  

  • A decent book, specifically the 'Concise History of Warfare'. I have been meaning to get that book read since I finished my degree.
  • A music player with a few decent albums.
  • A solar panel to charge said music player.

7. What is your favourite film and why?  

My favourite film has to be the Grand Budapest Hotel. It is the right sort of film for me. Off the wall, funny and visually unique.

8. Where do you most want to travel, but have never been?  

I would love to go to Hawaii, in fact I would love to go so much that my Fiancé and I are already making plans to go next year. 

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