LRC Online Catalogue Updated
0 min read
29 January 2025

Finding books that you need for your course has never been easier. LRC staff have been hard at work adding book cover images to the Autolib online catalogue.
The Autolib online catalogue lists all books that the SERC LRCs hold at each campus. Previously, students could look for a book title within the online catalogue and get confused when attempting to find the book in the relevant LRC, due to there not being an image of the online catalogue of the book they wished to check out. As a result of this recent project, a book cover image has now been provided for over 18,000 books in the online catalogue, which will make it easier for students to find what they are looking for on the LRC shelves.
Several LRCs have seen an increase in the number of books issued this year due to this update to the online catalogue. To find the online library catalogue, click the ‘Library - eBooks & eResources’ link on the student intranet homepage. You will then need to click on the ‘Library Catalogue’ link on the green ribbon across the top of the LRC homepage.
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