Intercampus Light Vehicle Competition

1 Min Read

12 February 2020

Following stiff competition from across SERC, Shea King, took first place at the College’s Intercampus Light Vehicle Competition.

Following stiff competition from across SERC, Shea King, took first place at the College’s Intercampus Light Vehicle Competition.

Following stiff competition from across SERC, Shea King, took first place at the College’s Intercampus Light Vehicle Competition. Prizes were presented by Kevin Doherty, Department of Economy at the Colleges Apprenticeship Showcase at Downpatrick Campus. (L-R) Brian Drysdale, Drysdale Motors (judge) Sam Lyons, Lisburn Campus (joint 3rd), Apprentice with Prentice Mini, James O’Rourke, from Lisburn Campus, (2nd place), Apprentice with O’Rourke Motors, Collum Shields, from Downpatrick, (joint 3rd), Apprentices with Philips Volkswagen, Shea King (1st place) Downpatrick Campus, Apprentice with D Hamill Auto Repairs, Kevin Doherty, Department of Economy and Victoria Boyd, Training Programme Manager, SERC.

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