Game Modding Leads to Dreaming Big at SERC

3 Min Read

12 January 2024

Ryan Higgins Dream Big Participant

If you have an idea you want to get off the ground then take a look at Dream Big.

Following his GCSEs, Ryan Higgins (33), Bangor, progressed to SERC to do an apprenticeship in mechanical engineering, he then branched into electrical engineering and is now employed as a Senior Software Engineer with Andor Technologies.

He said, “My career to date has been a continually learning and development process which has taken me from mechanical, to electrical and to software engineering - with some of the most successful businesses in Northern Ireland – all the time building on my qualifications, skills and experience.”

He added, “Over the years I have also been a keen game modder -  essential modifying games to enhance the user experience.   I use several different platforms, including Unity and Unreal, which will be familiar to other game modders and developers.   It was my interest in software and game development which led me to Dream Big, the fully funded Enterprise and Practice course at SERC, as I was initially thinking of establishing a software consultancy.   But since starting the course, my gaming background has come to the fore and what I am working on now has grown into developing a game for young people not in education, employment, or training, to help them learn about IT and, ultimately access work in the industry.   This would be managed by a charity I am planning to set up.”

He continued, “A second element to the charity, would be helping demystify IT for other people who are setting up small businesses that would support their enterprises, basically giving them the skills and discounted hardware, getting started and growing the IT that would support their ventures and empower them.”

Ryan added, “The course has been great in that it has helped me focus on the skills and qualification I have and what I need to do to move forward.   I had the gem of an idea of what I wanted to do, but with the support and mentorship from the team, this has grown, and I am now focussed and am currently pulling together a business plan to take my idea to the next level.”

He concluded. “I would recommend the course to anyone who has an idea but doesn’t know how or where to take it to the next step.   It has been great to drill down what you want to do and where to go for further support.”

Commencing,15 January 2024, and delivered at the College’s Lisburn Campus, Dream Big, a free Enterprise and Practice course will offer training, support and a Level 2 qualification to help you get your business up and running. If you’re looking for support to take an idea from start-up to market, then get in touch:  email or telephone 0345 600 7555.      

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