Expression of Interest: Advance HE Fellowships 2022/2023
0 min read
18 October 2022

This is open to all staff who deliver or support Higher Education provision.
What is the HEA Fellowship Scheme?
The HEA Fellowship demonstrates a personal and institutional commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education. The Fellowship is a personal award and provides individuals with recognition of their practice, impact and leadership of learning and teaching. HEA Fellowships are embedded in the UK and have been adopted by increasing numbers of higher education institutions globally. It is a standard benchmark within the delivery of HE.
What is involved in applying for the HEA Fellowship scheme?
Fellowships are awarded based on a successful and effective demonstration of engagement with HE through four descriptors. It is an application based on reflection of practice. The maximum length for the total application is 3,000 words. It is anticipated that successful applicants will act as “champions” supporting others and disseminating best practice.
What support is there?
The fees to achieve the Fellowship or Associate Fellow will be paid for by SERC. There will be a workshop which must be attended on Thursday 1st December 2022, at 3:15pm – 4:45pm, Bangor Campus room TBC. This will guide you through the process and help you decide how you would like to complete the form. Further information on the HEA Fellowship can be found at: Information HEA Fellowship
What do I have to do?
In the first instance you are required to complete the expression of interest form linked here. As the numbers being supported this year are limited, a panel will review the applications and places will be offered based on the information provided in the expression of interest form. By completing the form, you are confirming that if accepted onto the programme you understand you will be required to:
- Attend the initial workshop on Thursday 1st December 2022, at 3:15pm – 4:45pm, Bangor Campus
- Submit a draft application by Wednesday 18th January 2023, at 12 noon
- Attend a clinic to review feedback for your draft proposal on the Friday 20th January 2023, 12:00-13:00, Bangor campus room tbc
- Submit final application and evidence within the allocated time frame by Friday 24 February 2023, at 12 noon
- Act as a “champion” to support others and disseminate best practice for future applicants
- Confirm approval from your HOS to apply
The closing date for applications is Friday 18th November 2022 at 12 noon. Staff who have applied previously but did not submit their proposal to HEA are welcome to re-apply.
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