Excellence Award Winner James Shares His SERC Story
0 min read
22 July 2021

James McCluskey has won an Excellence Award and has shared his story of how SERC helped him reach his dream of studying Engineering at university.
The annual Excellence Awards are one of the highlights of the College calendar. The awards are presented to students nominated by their tutors from across a range of courses. They recognise students who have overcome educational barriers, demonstrated an impressive commitment to learning or have shown excellence in entrepreneurship or project work.
James decided to enrol at SERC after an encouraging conversation with a SERC tutor on his options in the area of engineering – James's area of interest. As James comments, “David, a SERC Engineering tutor, discussed the course, timetable and expectations of the college with me. He also introduced me to Joe Neeson to further detail the course modules across the 2-year study period. All of this to a speculative student who had not even submitted an application! This was instrumental in me joining the college.”
On his time at SERC, James said, “Throughout my 2 years at the college David and Joe helped and guided me through the course, explaining the assignments and coursework, and the new format of education I was undertaking that was so different to A-Levels. I had the opportunity to take part in competitions for Pneumatics & Hydraulics and CAD, enabling me to apply my course knowledge.”
James concludes, “I believe that my 2 years in college have better prepared me for university and given me the academic and hands on practical experience that A levels would not have facilitated. I have confirmed my university choice for next year at University of Ulster to study BSc (Hons) Engineering Management, made possible by my time at SERC.”
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