Exams and assessments: Update 25 January 2021

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25 January 2021

This is the latest information we have on the situation regarding this year’s exams and assessments. SERC deals with numerous Awarding Bodies with respect to the award of qualifications and we will continue to bring you new information as we receive it.

This is the latest information we have on the situation regarding this year’s exams and assessments. SERC deals with numerous Awarding Bodies with respect to the award of qualifications and we will continue to bring you new information as we receive it.

All BTEC level 2 and 3 External Assessments and Essential Skills for the remainder of the year have been cancelled. Currently there is a consultation process with the Regulator and Awarding Organisations as to how grades and qualifications will be awarded in August 2021. We will not have any detail on that until mid-February. We do know that no student will be disadvantaged by the process that is introduced. Until we have more details please continue to engage with us and continue your studies online. There are classes to attend and assessments to complete, all of which will be valuable in your final grades.

Dodds announces cancellation of vocational and Essential Skills exams | Department for the Economy (economy-ni.gov.uk)

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