Dementia Awareness Support
0 min read
28 July 2023

As a carer, you may be supporting a loved one who is in the early stages of dementia or who has been diagnosed. Help and support is available through the Alzheimer’s Society, and they will be delivering a Dementia Friendly Awareness talk to raise awareness about dementia and to create a better understanding of the disease and how it can affect a person.
When: Wednesday the 23rd of August at 2.00 pm to approx. 4.00 pm via MS teams.
To reserve a place on the session email:
The Alzheimer’s Society also offers Carers Information Support Programmes (CrISP) 1 & 2 over zoom or in person, aimed at family members/unpaid carers of people with dementia, in the SE Trust area, to increase their knowledge and understanding of dementia, how and why it affects someone.
To register for CrISP please fill in the form here.
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