Colm Hopes Travel and Tourism leads to Career in Events Management
2 Min Read
29 July 2021

Colm Hackett-Breen is hoping his time at SERC studying Travel and Tourism will lead to a career in events management.
A qualification in Travel and Tourism can open the door to many potential career paths, Colm Hackett-Breen is hoping his time on the Travel and Tourism course at SERC will help him on his way to a career in events management.
Colm (19) from Baloo, Killinchy came to SERC having previously studied at St Colmcilles Highschool Crossgar and enrolled on the level 2 Travel and Tourism course before progressing to level 3.
Speaking about his experience at the college so far Colm said “I enrolled at SERC because of recommendations from friends and my experience at the open day. The thing I have enjoyed the most about my course at SERC is the opportunity volunteer at places such as Castle Ward, a placement that the college helped to organise. I have also enjoyed learning about different destinations around the world."
Colm continued “To anyone contemplating enrolling on the Travel and Tourism course at SERC I would say go for it, you will be learning and experiencing different things that you will find fun and interesting. You’ll also be able to make new friends through this course and overall have an amazing experience studying it.”
Colm concluded “I enjoyed my time on the course, my tutors Mary and Colum where extremely helpful throughout the duration of the course and helped push me out of my comfort zone to do things I couldn’t imagine myself doing such as volunteer work at Castle Ward or even leading group activities. After I finish my Travel and Tourism Level 3 course , I want to look towards a career in Events Management.”
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