Colleges’ delivery plan during four-week increased Covid-19 restrictions

0 min read

19 October 2020

The six FE colleges in Northern Ireland have agreed principles for continuing delivery of education and training during the time-bound intervention set out by the NI executive on 14 October.

The six FE colleges in Northern Ireland have agreed principles for continuing delivery of education and training during the time-bound intervention set out by the NI executive on 14 October. These will apply in Colleges for the 4-week period from 6pm on Friday 16th October – to 6pm Friday 13th November.

Colleges remain open for business.

Principles for delivery of education and training in Further Education Colleges during the time bound intervention period:

  1. Health, safety and wellbeing of students and staff remains paramount in decisions to alter delivery models. Student Support Services will continue to be available throughout this period.
  2. Colleges will continue to use a flexible approach to curriculum delivery to meet the continued needs of a diverse range of learners.
  3. The existing delivery models, as defined in the DfE ‘Framework for Safe Resumption’, will continue to be used during the 4-week period. Where remote delivery is not possible, face to face delivery will continue e.g. practical sessions and associated classes. Discrete SLDD provision will continue for students who are unable to participate in remote online delivery
  4. Decisions to use face to face delivery must take in account the capacity of students to undertake remote learning, the need to come on site to access specialist equipment and skills development.
  5. Work placements for trainees should continue except in sectors where the NI Executive has introduced closure measures.
  6. Non accredited / hobby and leisure provision will either move to online delivery or may be postponed for a 4-week period.
  7. Provision to support schools in the delivery of the entitlement framework will operate within the same constraints as set out in point 3.
  8. Scheduled practical assessments and exams will continue as planned.
  9. Delivery of further education virtual learning at NI Prison sites will continue, but face to face teaching will be suspended for this four week period.

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