College Gym Inductions

0 min read

21 October 2021

The college gyms in Bangor, Downpatrick and Lisburn campuses have re-opened.

The college gyms in Bangor, Downpatrick and Lisburn campuses have re-opened.

If you wish to avail of the facilities you MUST undertake the “New Gym Induction”

Inductions have been scheduled in the gyms via a booking in system with only 8 places available at each session to allow for social distancing:

  • Bangor Campus - 8th November - 8:30am
  • Lisburn Campus - 11th November - 8:30am
  • Downpatrick Campus - 11th November - 11:00am and 12:30pm

To reserve your place on the booking system link click here

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