Change of Direction for Luke
0 min read
07 March 2024

Starting out on one pathway doesn’t mean there isn’t room for manoeuvre. Luke Wilson (20), from Newtownabbey, was destined for a career in media – he won the All-Ireland Rotary Photography Competition in 2017 - but found that this wasn’t the right direction for him.
After his GCSEs at Ballyclare Secondary School, Luke successfully completed a Level 3 in Creative Media Production at his local college, then moved on to the Level 3 Apprenticeship NI in Fire & Security Systems with SERC and is employed by Atlas World.
Luke said, “I had always been interested in electrics, but with one thing and another I took the creative media pathway. Although I really enjoyed the creative media production course which I completed during Covid, I quickly realised I didn’t want to be sitting in front of a computer screen every day.”
He continued, “I found out about a Fire and Security Systems Apprenticeship Open Day at SERC’s Lisburn Campus and decided to come along. I got to speak to the Lecturers, Chris and Robin, and to meet with some of the employers, including representatives from Atlas World, whom I did work experience with in 2019. I got back in touch with Atlas and successfully secured an apprenticeship post with them and then started the Level 3 Apprenticeship NI in Fire & Security Systems at SERC. I am now in my second year and haven’t looked back."
He said, “I love the work and love the day in College. The lecturers are great and fantastic at explaining everything, if you do something wrong, they explain why and how to fix it. The facilities are very realistic. The workshop is like being out in the field and we get to work on the latest equipment. What I learn in work I can bring back to College and vice versa, so it is a continual cycle of learning and you are building up your confidence all the time.”
Speaking about life beyond the apprenticeship Luke said, “My plan is to successfully complete the apprenticeship and continue working with Atlas. I am keen to further my skills and qualifications so I can progress in the industry. I have even been able to utilise my photography skills at Atlas World, by taking photos for the Marketing Manager for digital and print promotion, which is great.”
Luke, who came third in the annual College Skillbuild Competition, holding his own with fourth year apprentices, concluded, “The Apprenticeship route is a great way to learn and make a living. For a role in the fire and security sector, every day is very different, and you get to work all over the country. It is a good technical trade that can take you to work anywhere in the world, so I would certainly recommend it to anyone interested.”
Apply now for courses commencing September 2024. Come along to our full-time open evening from 4.00pm – 7.00pm on Thursday 7 March at the Bangor, Downpatrick, Lisburn and Newtownards Campuses.
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