Change of Direction at SERC Helps Nadia Power On
0 min read
25 July 2024

What seemed like a straightforward route to university presented Nadia Smiley with a bit of a curve ball. But, determined to realise her ambitions, the young woman found a change of direction offered a new sense of purpose, a confidence boost and a step in the right direction, all on her doorstep.
Nadia (24, from Lisburn) completed her GCSEs at Hunterhouse College. She says, “I did well in my GCSEs and returned to start my A Levels but found the intensity of the exams simply wasn’t for me. I didn’t feel I had the support to continue, so I looked for alternative pathways as I did want to progress and go to university."
She continued, “I moved to SERC’s Lisburn Campus and started the Level 3 Health and Social Care in 2017. I loved it - I felt respected and supported at SERC and the relaxed atmosphere enhanced my learning style. I particularly enjoyed the variety of topics we studied on the course, which ranged from childcare to elderly care, to policy and practise, sociology, and counselling. The subject range gave me better insight into what I wanted to do next and helped me discover my passion for social policy. After the course I progressed to Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) to do a BSc in Social Policy."
“When I first started at QUB, I felt I had a competitive advantage over some of the other students as I was already used to the lecture and assignment format. The ability to track my performance throughout college meant that I didn’t feel that dread of opening my results and wondering whether I would make the university cut. In fact, I had received multiple offers for undergraduate study, and continued my higher education with a MSc in International Business and Data Analytics which I completed in 2023.”
Nadia adds, “Right now, I’m working as a Market Research Analyst for OCO Global, a foreign direct investment firm with HQ in Belfast. OCO Global works primarily with governments to assist with international expansion. Each day at work can look quite different depending on the project I am working on. One day I could be recruiting and delivering a UK trade accelerator for AI and immersive technology companies to India, the next assisting US alcohol companies with market access into Europe or writing market research reports on gaming in the Middle East. The variety keeps the job interesting and rewarding, and it involves travelling and networking opportunities, so I really enjoy working for OCO Global."
Asked what advice she would give to someone considering a career in this area Nadia says, “Experience - whether gained during a placement year, a summer internship or short work experience block - is just as important as good grades. Grades look great on paper but in an interview, you will be expected to demonstrate and sell your abilities. Work experience will set you apart from other students.”
There is still time to apply for further and higher education courses commencing September 2024 unlock your future #BetterOffAtSERC.
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