Calling SERC Staff – VocTeach Discovery Survey
0 min read
13 January 2023

VocTeach Discovery is a digital content discovery platform to help practitioners of all subjects find the content and resources they need to help them teach in the classroom, remotely or blended. For two years, Jisc, the Open University and Ufi have been working on the concept of VocTeach Discovery with colleagues from across the FE sector.
The VocTeach platform is at prototype stage, and feedback from SERC staff is needed to help confirm whether the FE sector would use VocTeach Discovery and, if yes, what it should do.
To have your say on VocTeach, please watch the 5-minute video below, which explains and demonstrates VocTeach Discovery:
After watching the video, complete the 19-question survey found here, which should take no more than 10 minutes.
The survey is anonymous and does not request your name or email address.
Your feedback will help shape the development of VocTeach and is greatly appreciated.
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