Blue Monday

0 min read

17 January 2022

See information below on how to deal with Blue Monday

Although you may feel this way, make today a day to reflect and find resolutions to beat Blue Monday.

Virtual sessions to help you get healthy in 2022

To reserve your place on any of the sessions, email to reserve your place. 

Healthy Living Session

A 1 hour virtual session that helps to increase your knowledge of what makes a healthy lifestyle, including information on nutrition, physical activity, smoking, and alcohol.  The session will be held via MS Teams on the 19 January 2022 at 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm.

Nutritional Food as Fuel Session

Food and nutrients are even more important when the body is mentally, emotionally, and physically low. A 1-hour virtual workshop on Monday 24 January 2022 at 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm has been organised with Re: Fresh Nutrition, which has been designed to identify the key nutrients and foods to sustain, increase energy, recover, and flourish. The session will also end with a food demo. 

Biohacking Session to Optimise your Health and Performance

If you suffer from brain fog, bloating or restless sleep, then this Biohacking session will help you explore strategies and lifestyle changes that positively affect the environment around you, and inside you, so that you have full control over your own biology. Re: Fresh Nutrition will discuss and examine the role of nutrition, supplements, sleep, and exercise to optimise health and performance and it will finish with a food demo at the end. This session will take place virtually and will last for 1-hour on Thursday 27 January 2022 at 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm.

MoneyHelper Finance and Pension Information Session

Why not attend this MoneyHelper session to help you make financial decisions? Pension information is also covered.  This is a 1-hour virtual information session taking place on Tuesday 25h January 2022 at 1.30 pm to 2.00 pm.

Cancer Focus Stop Smoking Session.

Cancer Focus offer tailored one to one support for anyone who wants help to kick their smoking habit. This support can be provided via Zoom, telephone, or both. Their experienced stop smoking specialists will help you to build your confidence, break your habits and manage your cravings with free patches, gum, and other resources.

To find out more about the services, click here

Inspire Wellbeing Resources

Inspire Wellbeing encourage you to hit the pause button in January to look after your self-care.  Focus on quality time, do activities such as reading, planning out goals, journaling and spending more time with friends and family.   This creates a sense of peace and happiness.

Click here for more information.

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