Artists Wanted: Elmer’s Big Belfast Trail 2022
0 min read
06 December 2021

What is Elmer's Big Belfast Trail?
Northern Ireland Hospice, has teamed up with Wild in Art and Andersen Press to bring David McKee’s popular children’s character Elmer the Patchwork Elephant to life, through Elmer’s Big Belfast Trail. This jumbo event marks a significant milestone for the Hospice; the 21st anniversary of its Children’s in-patient unit – Horizon House.
From June 2022, a herd of 60 uniquely decorated, eye-catching, elephant sculptures will be popping up across the city, as part of a free, family-friendly art trail.
How can SERC students get involved?
We’re calling out to all artists (emerging, established and undiscovered) to ask you to help us bring our Elmer sculptures to life and to add a splash of colour to their blank canvas.
Businesses will be invited to sponsor a blank Elmer sculpture, with artist designs for the trail shortlisted by a panel of industry experts/sponsors. The successful artist designs will be commissioned and will make a bold and bright feature on the trail.
All artists are encouraged to put forward their best creative ideas for the sculptures, which must be one of a kind. The organisers are keen to showcase a range of artistic talent, whether your craft is fine art, graffiti, mosaic, traditional or new media, they want to hear from you.
As well as submitting your design to Elmer, please send to to be included in the SERC online gallery. Check out the online gallery by clicking here.
Why get involved?
Becoming an Elmer artist means your design will play an important role in Elmer’s Big Belfast Trail, which is set to attract over 1 million visitors over a 10-week period.
NI Hospice will pay successful applicants an honorarium of £900 (+ VAT if applicable) on completion of your artwork.
It will no doubt be an amazing opportunity to showcase your work to the crowds, but also to show the power of art in the community and to play an important role in making art accessible for all.
Importantly, don’t forget that by getting involved, you’ll be helping raise vital funds for your local hospice, continuing to do what they do best by providing specialist palliative care to local families that need it most.
How do I submit a design? What are the design guidelines?
Submit your designs to Elmer no later than Mon 10 Jan 2022. Artworks will be presented to the sculpture sponsors in Jan 2022, and you’ll be asked to transfer it on to a full-size Elmer sculpture Feb-Mar 2022.
There is a submission form and guidelines included in the artists pack accessed by clicking here. You can email the completed form to or complete the online form and upload your design here.
We look forward to seeing your designs.
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