Ards and North Down Borough Council is seeking Youth Voice members to represent the views of young people and have a say on key local issues

2 Min Read

29 September 2021

Youth Voice AND

Young People aged 16–21 years who live in Ards and North Down are invited to apply to be part of the Youth Voice AND.

Young People aged 16–21 years who live in Ards and North Down are invited to apply to be part of the Youth Voice AND.

This 2-year programme is managed by Ards and North Down Borough Council, working in Partnership with the Ards and North Down PCSP and the Education Authority Youth Service, along with other statutory bodies.

Youth Voice AND will provide young people the opportunity to:

  • Engage with key decision makers
  • Have their say on local issues
  • Meet new friends
  • Be a representative voice for young people in their area  
  • Be involved and pro-actively engaged with local decision-making processes. 

Welcoming the opportunity, the Mayor of Ards and North Down, Councillor Mark Brooks said: “As an Elected Member, I know the importance of using my voice to speak up for those who live in our area.  Young people are the decision makers of the future and we want to hear their voice from an early stage.  Youth Voice AND will provide a platform for that.”

Esther Millar, Senior Youth Officer from the Education Authority Youth Service added: “We always need new people with fresh ideas coming through to make sure our area is the best it can be.  Young people are central to this.  Youth Voice AND will be fun and engaging, as well as providing a very real opportunity for young people to have their say.”  

Youth Voice AND will meet on a weekly basis to identify and take forward common issues relating to young people in the local area, as well as offering opportunities for residentials and participation in study visits to the UK or Ireland.

Everyone is invited to apply for Youth Voice AND regardless of background, abilities or interests.  More information is available at and the deadline for applications is 15 October 2021. 


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