Adam Jones

Adam Jones

“My father is also a chef, and I wanted to follow in his footsteps. Moving from school onto the college was the right move for me to progress my profession in cookery.”  

“I thoroughly enjoyed it. There were a lot of opportunities and new experiences which I wouldn’t have had if I had gone back to school to do A-Levels.  It was very practical and hands-on, and we got to take part in cookery competitions which helped to develop my skills further, and it certainly benefited my style of learning.

“My studies at college gave me a solid foundation and prepared me for my role at The AC Hotel by Marriott Belfast. I was able to learn about health and safety, cooking techniques, good communication and teamwork, all of which were easier to learn in a working kitchen, so I received preparation for the industry from day one. The tutors – all of whom have worked in the industry - were well engaged. They helped me develop confidence in myself, my knowledge, and skills, so I could reach my full potential and the goals I had set myself.