Mark Ellis

Mark Ellis

"I didn’t expect to like it just as much – I absolutely love it! In fact, in a way, I wonder how working in the real world of creative media could possibly live up to the course. I accept that there will be more pressure and more competition … this is an easy-going environment even though we get plenty done - there is pressure, but it’s not stress. You are expected to do assignments to deadline of course but it’s a supportive atmosphere and you get to chat in the class about your favourite films and so on. We get to experiment with photoshop and premier pro and it’s super fun. The facilities and equipment are professional standard.” 

“I am older than most of the students, but I get on with everyone, teachers and classmates. It’s a lot better than high school for me. Here, you are inspired and supported but not pressured like with teachers at school. But I love the course so much I don’t need to be pressured anyway! It’s mainly project work, on computers but also going outside the campus for photography, for example. All very practical. Anyone who likes being creative should come and do this. "

“Tim Black, the tutor, is always putting the course in the context of the industry and talks about career options and pathways. He’s always ready to give advice on life beyond the course if asked.”  

“It’s the best decision of my life. I had been shutting off that side of myself but it’s like I have switched on a new element of my brain, and it’s been a change for me, the way I see myself and how I think. I am brighter than I was – looking back I think I was almost a zombie – I just did the job mechanically, kept my head down and went home. Now I go home, and I am still doing creative stuff, designing things just for my own interest, as I carry the enthusiasm and inspiration with me when I leave campus. I love it.”