Leah Hamilton

Leah Hamilton

"Following a previous course I completed at SERC, I moved to Liverpool to study a marketing degree at Liverpool John Moores University. A few weeks into the course, I wasn’t settling, I didn’t enjoy the degree and I missed home. I was lucky enough to be able to transfer onto my course at SERC and will be graduating shortly with a 2:1 which, I am delighted to say, has helped me secure a full-time associate role with PwC Operate.”  

“I would highly recommend my degree course at SERC to anyone who has an interest in business but hasn’t determined exactly what field they want to work in, as it’s a broad degree that can open a variety of career paths. At SERC I also had the opportunity to gain additional qualifications alongside my degree programme such as an OCN Level 3 in Employability and Professional Development Skills, as well as an OCN Level 4 in Social Media and Digital Marketing. These extra qualifications look great on my CV and give me lots more to talk about in job interviews.”  

“I found the learning environment at SERC much more conducive to gearing me towards work. Working independently helps improve your organisational and time management skills but there was also a system of mentoring and support, and as the classes were smaller you got to know everyone quickly and felt comfortable doing groupwork. There was great camaraderie on the course and I know I have made friends for life.”  

“I had my daughter Cali with my partner Michael towards the end of my second year and always felt encouraged and supported through my changing family circumstances. This was par for the course at SERC; I think everyone felt the lecturing team genuinely cared about each and every one of us, and how we were getting on, and they were available to offer help and support throughout.”