World Mental Health Day
0 min read
08 October 2021

The 'Holding On To Hope in a Changing World’ campaign launched on the 6th of September which links World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September to World Mental Health Day on 10 October. The campaign is a collaboration between Health & Social Care partners across NI to encourage everyone to hold on to hope, to nurture our mental & emotional wellbeing and to raise awareness of the local and regional services that are available to help when times are tough.
The Interactive Campaign Pack features a Hope Quiz to help you reflect on how hopeful you are today. To access the Interactive Campaign Pack and to take the Hope Quiz visit:
- Take our Hope Quiz now by clicking here
- To access the campaign pack, click here
- To access the training pack, click here
What’s happening for World Mental Health Day
Coffee and Connect
Connect with someone you haven’t spoken to for a while, make someone else’s day and talk to them over a cuppa and a chat either face to face or virtually on the morning of Monday 11 October 2021, to celebrate World Mental Health day which is on Sunday 10 October 2021.
Make someone else’s day and as a bonus feel better too!
If you are on campus, why not take a colleague for a cuppa for a catch up at the college restaurants during the “Connect” morning? (please observe current covid-19 rules). If you’re working at home and if you haven’t chatted to a colleague, get the date booked in your diary, send them a coffee, and connect request and have a virtual coffee catch up via MS teams.
Mandatory Staff Module on the Learning Engine
Mental Health Awareness mandatory module has been devised and is available to access on the week commencing Monday 11 October 2021 on the Learning Engine for all staff to complete. The Module has been designed to raise mental health awareness and provides details of internal and external contacts for support.
Aware Information sessions available
Aware NI will be running 2 Mood Matters workplace sessions via MS teams and to provide skills and techniques to look after your mental health, manage your feelings when you are stressed, worried or depressed and help you cope with challenges in work and at home.
Sessions will be held on:
- 15th October @ 09:30 am to 11:30 am
- 21st October @ 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm
To book onto a session email and you will be sent the joining link.
Mood Matters sessions with Aware NI in the evenings
It gives participants knowledge and skills which can be used to maintain or regain good mental health and build resilience to deal with life’s challenges.
The programme is based on cognitive behavioural concepts and introduces the ‘Five Areas Approach’ which participants use to challenge and change unhelpful thinking and behaviour to make a positive difference to their lives.
It also features the ‘Take 5 for Your Emotional Wellbeing’ which focuses on the five most evidenced ways of looking after our mental health i.e., Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give and teaches us how we can build these into our everyday lives. To register for a session click here
Inspire Wellbeing
Throughout World Mental Health Day on the 10th October 2021, Inspire Wellbeing will be championing positive, hopeful mental health, focusing on the 5 Steps to Wellbeing and hosting conversations to break the stigma around mental ill health. Tune into Inspires Facebook page for their Live broadcast at 10.00 am
Free Good Mood Foods Workshop on Thursday the 14th of October 2021
Vitals Nutrition Foods Mood Workshop is packed with ideas and practical suggestions to support good mental health.
Session will be held via zoom on Thursday the 14th October at 10.00 to 11.00 am
To book your place contact Heather on email or telephone 07511069072. Places are limited and allocated on a first come first served basis.
Colleges Support Services – Healthy Minds video
To find out more about the support services offered by the college and how staff look after their mental health click on the Healthy Minds video on the link: click here.
Mental Health support services can also be accessed on the Mind Yourself App Healthy Mind (
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