Weight Loss Challenge January 2021

0 min read

12 January 2021

The New Year is a good time to review your eating habits and to perhaps lose those unwanted lbs gained from Christmas food indulgence.

The New Year is a good time to review your eating habits and to perhaps lose those unwanted lbs gained from the Christmas break.

SERC’s weight loss challenge date has been changed and will now be commencing on Monday 18 January 2021. It will be a weight loss challenge with a difference, and this means weighing yourself each Monday and sending your details confidentially to mindyourself@serc.ac.uk for tracking.

The Weight loss challenge is in conjunction with the NEW NHS Better Health weight loss plan which can be down loaded onto your phone by NHS Weight Loss Plan on the App Store (apple.com) Lose weight - Better Health - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

The male and female with the largest percentage of weight loss at the end of the 5 weeks, will win a voucher for £20 to use on your selected supermarket to use on your shopping.

Also, to support your weight loss journey if you are interested in joining an established group Weight Watchers are offering a virtual information session on Thursday 14 January 2020 at 1.00 pm (aprox 20 mins) and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end.

The information session will be about the Weight Watchers program, what happens at class, confidentiality around your own personal weight and how you can join a class. Groups are available for both males and females to join.

To book a place on the Weight Loss challenge and the information session email mindyourself@serc.ac.uk

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