Update Vocational examinations and qualifications

0 min read

29 January 2021

Graphic on Update on Vocational Examinations and Qualifications

An update on the current position with respect to Vocational examinations and qualifications.   

Vocational and Essential Skills Examinations Cancelled 
We promised that we would provide updates on examination and assessments as we receive them.  At the end of last week, the Economy Minister Diane Dodds announced the cancellation of Essential Skills and vocational examinations for the remainder of the academic year to reflect the continuing and unsettling disruption experienced by learners, their families and local colleges.   

She added: “I wish to assure learners that the awards you will receive this year will have the same standards and recognition as any other year and will carry the same degree of portability as you consider progression pathways…. It is my priority to ensure that vocational learners are afforded every opportunity to receive fair, robust and timely results.”  She concluded that “I would like to appeal directly to learners and emphasise the importance of remaining focused on your course of study and to continue to engage with your college, school or training centres. Please continue to undertake any work assigned to you by your teacher or tutor as it may form part of the alternative awarding arrangements.”   

The arrangements that will be put in place will become clear by mid-March.  In the mean time it is vital that you continue to engage with your tutors/co-ordinators/Training Support Officers and mentors.  They and SERC social media, the college website and email will continue to update you.  They will provide the information of how assessment will be completed and how you will continue to be supported to achieve your qualification.   

If you are unsure about anything, please continue to speak with the relevant Deputy Head of School (DHoS), Course coordinator or Training Support Officer.   

SERC deals with numerous Awarding Bodies with respect to the award of qualifications and the most up-to date information we have is as follows:   

GCSE and A levels

Cancellation of both the 2021 January and June exam series for GCSE and A Levels has been confirmed. Alternative assessment arrangements have yet to be communicated.    

Further Education – BTEC and OCR Level 2 & Level 3 
All examinations are cancelled.  Pearson and OCR still have to confirm any mitigations including reductions in assignments.  Assessments will continue to ensure that we have sufficient evidence to support the award of your qualification.  Any changes will be communicated by your DHOS.     

Essential Skills  
Examinations for the rest of the academic year are cancelled.  Arrangements for alternative assessment procedures will be explained to you by your tutor in your on-line class but you must continue to engage with learning as robust evidence will be needed.   

Higher Education – BTEC HNC/D 
At this stage Pearson are indicating HNC/D programmes will be completed as normal and there will be no use of centre assessed grades in 20/21.  Again, DHOS will communicate any further developments with these qualifications as Pearson release them.   

Courses with ‘License to practice’ and/or practicals  
Students on ‘License to practice’ courses for example, CCLD, or those courses with mandatory practical assessment will have to fulfil all required hours before certification can be awarded. This may mean a delay to certification. Students should be aware that course assessment may be extended to the end of June and placement hours gained over the Easter/Summer breaks.   

All other Programmes
All other programmes offered by Awarding Bodies will have communicated their intention to proceed on a ‘Business as usual’ basis or use alternative arrangements. Please consult with your DHOS or Course coordinator on the latest communication from the Awarding Body.     

Your Engagement 
It is vital you continue to engage with your course online.  Teaching and Learning will continue but if you have any barriers, concerns, or would like to discuss your arrangements, please do so with your Course coordinator / TSO or DHOS.     

Thank you very much for your efforts and work to date.      

Ken Webb