Travel Virtually This Weekend With These Online Activities
0 min read
23 April 2021

Travel virtually this weekend with these online activities, designed to entertain, inform and inspire.
April's General Knowledge Pub Quiz- Live Online Pub Quiz
Sun, 25 April 2021 18:00 – 19:30
QuizWhip is a new series of live online pub quizzes and virtual games that you can play at home to compete with others across the world, earning points and winning prizes. Every player will be randomly assigned one of five teams. Alongside earning yourself points whilst playing our quizzes, you will also be earning points collectively as a team. Prizes will be up for grabs for players in high scoring teams each month. Click here to find out more.
Revolting London: 2000 years of Rebellion and Retribution
Sun, 25 April 2021 18:00 - 19:15
This tour takes us from Traitors’ Gate at the Tower of London to the Mansion house. You will meet rebels from Boudicca (Boadacea) who burned down Roman London 2000 years ago to the Extinction Rebellion demonstrators who disrupted the Chancellor’s Mansion House speech in 2019, and many other extraordinary characters whose lives and deaths are etched on, above and beneath the streets and alleys of London. Click here for more information.
Morning Stretch and Flow Workshop
Sun, 25 April 2021 10:00 – 11:00
Take part in this Morning Stretch and Flow workshop to improve flexibility and strengthen your body. You will be guided through a gentle warm-up to mobilise the joints. This will be followed by a range of both slow and flowing stretching exercises inspired by yoga and pilates techniques. The session will then conclude with restorative breathing exercises and relaxation. Click here for more information.
Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking MasterClass
Sat, 24 April 2021 11:00 - 13:00
Tired of not having the confidence to speak up in meetings? This class will help you overcome your speaking anxiety. We all know that having good communication skills is important in today's world. But it can be hard to learn how to communicate well when you're an introvert or have social anxiety. This workshop is all practice-based, starting with voice and breathing exercises, improvised speaking exercises and opportunities to deliver off-the cuff speeches. Group discussion will take place to highlight the existing strengths of the speakers, followed by potential areas for improvement. Click here for more information.
We hope you enjoy your online travels this weekend, and if you wish to find out more about travel, please consider our Travel and Tourism courses.
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