Time To Talk Day
0 min read
01 February 2021
![For Time to Talk Day on the 4th of February 2021, we’re encouraging everyone to talk about mental health.](/WebsiteUserImages/News/2021/01 Jan/Time To Talk Day.png)
For Time to Talk Day on the 4th of February 2021, we’re encouraging everyone to talk about mental health.
Too often, mental health problems are treated as a taboo subject – something not to be talked about, especially at work. However, mental ill health can affect us all and we should be able to discuss it. The more conversations we have, the more myths we can bust and barriers we can break down. This helps to end the isolations, shame and worthlessness that too many feel when experiencing problems with their mental health.
One in four of us will experience a mental health problem: 9 in 10 say they have faced negative treatment from others as a result. By choosing to be open up about mental health, we are all part of a movement that’s changing the conversation around the subject, ensuring that no one is isolated or alone because of how they feel.
As part of our ongoing commitment to this, we are supporting Time to Talk – a day when everyone is encouraged to take part in a conversation about mental health. Jenna Booth, Change your Mind Campaign explains in the audio about the importance and purpose of the Time to Talk Day. Please listen to the audio here.
So, what can you do to get involved in Time to Talk day?
Care and Support Space for 1-to-1 self-care sessions
Have you ever felt, if I had just ½ an hour for someone to have a chat with for about my own wellbeing? Then why not on Time to Talk day avail of 30 minutes for Care and Support Space for yourself with 1 to 1 sessions which has been set up for staff to avail off. This is an opportunity for a confidential space for your own self-care through a coaching conversation to focus on your own health, wellbeing and wellness.
The session will take place via MS teams with Elizabeth Johnston who is a trained Counsellor who also undertakes PTL work for SERC. Places are limited on the 4th of February 2021 and they will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. If you are not allocated an appointment on this date you may be contacted and offered an alternative date depending on the demand. To register your interest please email in confidence to mindyourself@serc.ac.uk
Contact a Colleague
Working remotely may mean that not have talked to anyone outside of your team for several months or you may not have seen anybody since you are on your own at home therefore it is important to “Stay Connected with others”.
Take time out to contact at least 3 Colleagues on the Time to Talk day, see how they are doing and have a good catch up. This can be via MS teams, skype or on their mobile, that connection could be just what someone needs to show you care and you appreciate their company, a small conversation with someone has the power to make a big difference.
Time to Change Virtual Festival
Time to Change is holding a Virtual Festival on Time to Talk Day on the 3rd and 4th February 2021 via YouTube and there is no need to register, just Click here to access You tube Channel
Wednesday 3rd February
- 7pm - Time to Talk Day 2021 Launch: A conversation between Jo Loughran, Director of Time to Change, and representatives from sister charities in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and about the importance of talking mental health and the power that conversation has in tackling stigma.
Thursday 4 February
- 12noon - Cooking lunch with Sean: Time to Change Champion Sean will be sharing a recipe for a tasty chicken lunch. Either cook alongside him or just watch and listen as he talks about healthy cooking and the importance of talking about mental health.
- 1pm - Lunch and Learn: Time to Change has worked with more than 1,500 employers over the years to improve attitudes to mental health in the workplace. Jo Loughran, Director of Time to Change, will host a conversation between Darea Flanagan from E.ON and Jessica Badley from Blood Cancer UK to find out about the small changes that make a big difference in the workplace when it comes to talking more openly about mental health.
- 3pm - Fontanna’s Laughter Yoga: Time to Change Champion Fontanna takes you through a series of exercises that will make you laugh. Fontanna will also talk about their experience of being a Champion.
- 5pm - Ridhima's Bollywood Dance: Learn some new moves as Time to Change Champion Ridhima teaches you some key steps. Ridhima regularly uses Bollywood dance as a way of encouraging people to talk about mental health.
College Support Service Mental Health First Aiders
If you are experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress the Colleges Mental Health First Aiders are able to give you initial support and signpost you the appropriate help if required and it is all in confidence. Mental Health First Aiders can be contacted directly during remote working.
Time to Talk day, may be the time you need to make that call that you have been putting off? For details click here
Inspire Wellbeing
If you feel you need to speak to someone, confidential support is provided by Inspire Wellbeing and is available 24 hours, 7 days week by telephoning 0808 800 0002. Listen to the short audio recording to hear about the services they offer, to access click here
If your Manager has organised an event on the day, we strongly encourage you to take the time out to join the sessions with your Colleagues as a small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference.
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