There is Still Time to Join the Eco Committee

0 min read

10 October 2022

Get Ready, Get SERC, Get Green

Are you keen to: 

  • Access inspiration & real-world application for your PBL?
  • Have flexibility in creating/supporting eco initiatives when you/your students have time? 
  • Be part of a welcoming team that wants to create eco change on campus & beyond? 

Whether one or all of these points apply to you, sign up to the Eco Committee to stay up to date with opportunities relevant to your interests!

Eco Committe Acceptance Form

Eco Committee Info Session Sign Up & Contacts List Link

Click here to view the Eco Committee Info Session

Eco Committee Info & Roles Booklet (There are 2 types of staff role)

Join the Eco Cross Campus Microsoft Team for general updates and networking

(N.B. to have the option of attending meetings and participating in active projects, you also need to sign up to be a Staff Ambassador at the link above.)

See the info-graphic below to find out what Access lecturer, Monica McCard, got out of being on the Committee last year. 

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