The Science of Baking Career Change for Zara

0 min read

21 October 2022

Zara Shiels Loves the Science of Baking

Colleges Week is an annual campaign organised by the Association of Colleges.   Now in its fifth year, the campaign presents a focus for colleges across the UK to celebrate everything we do. This week, from 17 – 21 October, we will be sharing profiles and stories from past and present students and staff at SERC on our website and socials.   Find out how SERC is inspiring the next generation, turning ambitions into reality and getting people back on track for learning and a career.  #LoveOurColleges #BetterOffAtSERC

A career in science wasn’t the be all and end all for Zara Shiels and going back to do further research in the form of a PhD confirmed a change of direction had to be on the menu.  

Zara, originally from Limavady but now settled in Lisburn, says, “Following A- Levels at my local Grammar School, I went to Queen’s University Belfast and graduated with a 2:1 BSc with Honours in Chemistry with Forensic Analysis.   I worked for several years in labs at Dale Farm and as a research chemist with MOF Technologies until I decided I wanted to go back and do more research and embarked on a PhD.   I worked on it for two years before realising I wasn’t enjoying it, in fact, I was very unhappy."

“I started working in Guilt Trip Bakery, making donuts, and suddenly found that baking might be something I could pursue.   I was always what you might call a hobby baker. I grew up baking alongside my mum and my (late) granny.   We would have a whole Saturday set aside for baking biscuits and buns and all kinds of celebration cakes. That’s where I learnt to bake and where my passion for baking started and it was something I always did alongside my studies and work. I’m sure I must have baked a birthday cake for everyone I worked with in MOF Technologies!”

Zara continued, “A work colleague in Guilt Trip had completed a course at college and recommended it, so I started doing some research and found the Level 2 Professional Bakery at SERC’s Lisburn Campus.   Before enrolling, I called the College and got speaking to tutor Ruth Doherty and was bowled over by her enthusiasm and passion for baking, confectionery, and patisserie - I just knew it was the course for me.”

Zara added, “The practical aspect of the course is brilliant, it’s great getting hands on experience and having a chance to really improve your skills -   I am now ten times the baker I was before I came to SERC. This past year has been amazing especially with the additional opportunities open to students such as taking part in competitions. I competed at IFEX (International Food Exhibition) - the first time I had ever taken part in any competition. The standard was really high, and I was delighted to get a merit for my efforts in the novelty cake category.   I was also a finalist in the Regional WorldSkillsUK competition and will be representing the College in the National Finals in November, pitting my skills against peers from across the UK." 

“I had the opportunity to travel to Valencia in Spain with fellow students from across SERC for a two-week work placement, fully funded through Erasmus+. I worked in a traditional Spanish bakery, Monday to Friday, it was fantastic just absorbing the culture, the language and everything I could to hone my baking skills.   It was truly amazing.”

When asked if she would recommend someone coming to SERC for further or higher education, Zara said, “Having studied at both university and college, I would say college is much more supportive.   I have had so much fun and learnt so much. My tutors have been fantastic, both Ruth Doherty and Ian Thompson, as well as all the technical staff and restaurant teams. Everyone is so friendly and helpful."

And on future ambitions, Zara concluded, “Right now, I am focussing on building my skills and experience on the Level 3 in Confectionery and Patisserie.   I am busy with my own micro bakery business, Blixt Bakery (on Facebook and Instagram), and enjoying the success, including supplying a local coffee shop, Audicity Coffee, in East Belfast.   I am so, so busy, but I am busy being happy too.   I really am having my cake and eating it!”

Find out more about the Level 3 Patisserie and Confectionery at SERC.

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