Switched on for Career in IT

0 min read

03 November 2022

Setanta Gorman Crane is realising her IT ambitions at SERC

Progressing from school to college offered Setanta Gorman-Crane the best route to realise her IT ambitions, and the opportunity to get a head start for a career in the industry.

Setanta (19), from Downpatrick, progressed from the BTEC Extended Diploma in Information Technology which she completed with triple star distinction -   the equivalent of three As at A Level.   She says, “I have always had a passion for IT and computing so after my BTEC I wanted to continue my studies."

“SERC is local to me, right on my doorstep and since I know the tutors and they know me and how I learn, I knew exactly what I was signing up for when I applied for the University of Ulster Foundation Degree (FD) in Computing.  It seemed the perfect step for me in my IT higher education journey."

 “The fact that it has great variety - programming, databases, hardware and software, mobile app development, web tech and cyber security - I feel I am developing my skills and getting an insight into a range of areas in which I can specialise.   I am particularly interested in programming and the course has helped me decide that is the route that I want to progress on to after the FD.”

When asked if she was involved in other activities at the College, Setanta says, “I was student class rep when I did my BTEC, which was a really good experience for me as I got to meet and hear about other students outside my course. Although I was a bit nervous to start, taking on this role really helped boost my confidence in my own abilities."

“I had the opportunity to do an internship with IT Support at the Downpatrick Campus. This also helped with work experience hours required for my course. The experience gained through the internship has increased my confidence in working with the technology and with people. The internship forces you - in a good way - to get out of your comfort zone."

 “I have access to one-to-one support each week from the Learning Support team, and I am allowed extra time for assignment or tests which helps me with my dyslexia. It is a nice feeling to know I am not disadvantaged and able to achieve exactly what I know I am capable of with the support system in place at the College through the Learning Support team who are amazing and so understanding.”

She continues, “I would recommend the College.   In addition to my course, the facilities are great and I especially love being able to fit a hair appointment around my studies and getting student discount at the training salon on Campus.  The new facilities at the College Kitchen are fantastic.  It is great to be able to get something coming in in the morning and the lunches are delicious and good value for students.”

Speaking about her plans for the future, Setanta says “After this course, I want to go on and get my degree at a local university.  I have also been looking at some employers who run programmes where you train on the job and can see myself applying for something like that in order to get more work experience."

Setanta concludes, “My long-term ambition would be to start my own business. I’m not sure what exactly my company would focus on yet, but the idea of being my own boss is very appealing.”

Unlock your future at SERC’s Higher Education Open Evening 4.00pm – 7.00pm, Bangor, Downpatrick, Lisburn and Newtownards.