Students triumph at Action Cancer Awards Gala

0 min read

28 November 2018

Students and staff from SERC's Lisburn Campus have recently attended the annual Action Cancer Gala Ball where they were awarded two awards for their fund-raising efforts during the Big Shop Challenge which took place last month.

Held at the Crowne Plaza Belfast, the awards recognise a businesses commitment to raising much needed funds as well as putting their entrepreneurial skills to the test to promote, manage and increase the sales in an Action Cancer charity shop.

Other organisations that took part this year included: Bank of Ireland, NHSCT, Airgem, DWF Law, Department for the Economy, HMPO, Worthington Law, BT, Mid Ulster Volunteer Centre and Holley Optometrists.

During the Big Shop Challenge, Training for Success (TFS) Project trainees took over the Lisburn Boutique and assisted with the street collection for the Furniture Shop raising £4258.

For their efforts SERC was awarded 2nd prize for highest sales on the day and 3rd prize for the highest amount raised. 

This year, a total of £68,225 was raised from the shops across the country.

Action Cancer Head of Fundraising and Communications Dougie King thanked everyone for their efforts in helping them to provide more services to more people.

Action Cancer Lisburn Retail Store Manager Amy Brereton said that “A massive well done to all the students who really went above and beyond and also to all our shop volunteers who were as amazing as usual.”  

Barbara McNeill, Head of School for the Training Organisation said “The students have done extremely well, and I thank them for all their hard work. I believe it is very important for students to engage with their local community and raising funds for charity is a great way to do that. I thank Action Cancer for allowing our students to help and I hope to take part again in the future.”

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Lisburn SERC