Students Share Pet Safety Tips for Halloween
0 min read
25 October 2019
Level 2 Animal Care students from South Eastern Regional College have been highlighting the potential dangers to pets and animals during the Halloween festivities.
Diane McKay, Animal Care Lecturer said, “This time of year can be very stressful for pets and animals, so our students are keen to share how everyone can make it a less anxious time for them with a little bit planning.
“As part of their course, the students, Shannon Eves, Michael McGrillen, Emma Kerr, Hannah White and Dakota Wilkinson have researched the dangers to pets and animals and produced a presentation for staff and students as well as conducting an interview on Down FM for local listeners.”
Top tips from the SERC team include:
Walk your dog early to avoid loud noises from fireworks and keep pets indoors when the festivities start, perhaps with the radio on in the background;
Check all bonfires well before lighting for small animals such as cats and hedgehogs;
Don’t put costumes on pets, cute as it may seem, they can be uncomfortable and cause stress;
Keep dogs away from your door, with food and water, so they don’t worry about the flow of people in costumes. Reassure them with constant check-ups;
Chocolate and grapes can poison dogs – make sure treats for humans are kept away from animals.
You can listen to the students talk about keeping your pet safe on FM105 Down Community Radio:
Happy Halloween.
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