Student Responses Wanted - Stranmillis University College Surveys
0 min read
15 March 2022

Dr Katie Ka Ka Tsang from Stranmillis University College is running a research project looking at aspects of the provision of Level 4 and Level 5 Higher Education programmes and qualifications in Further Education Colleges. With the permission of Ken Web, SERC Chief Executive and Principal, she is asking if SERC Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5 students would help by completing a questionnaire in the same format as the Big 14 Survey.
We would therefore greatly appreciate your participation by completing one of the surveys at the links below. This should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. At the end of this survey, if you would like to, you can enter into a competition to win one of two £25 High Street Vouchers.
Surveys can be found below, click on the link most applicable to you:
I am thinking of progressing to a Level 3 Course
I am studying a Level 4 or 5 Course
Thank you in advance for your continued support.
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