0 min read
06 December 2022

Christmas is fast approaching and although circumstances mean that it won’t be the same experience we are all used to, there is still a lot to look forward to! Want to enjoy Christmas whilst also gifting the environment this festive season? Then keep reading for our top 10 tips on staying sustainable at Christmas:
1. Shop locally – Not only are you supporting a local business, which is more important now than it ever has been, but you are also avoiding the damage that the shipping process has on the environment.
2. Gift handmade presents – It’s not only thoughtful towards the person receiving your gift, but also the planet. Both will surely appreciate your efforts!
3. Use eco-friendly wrapping present – Think of all the wrapping paper used around the world at Christmas time. Then think about how this could impact the planet. Why not opt for an eco-friendly option instead?
4. Use fabric wrapping paper – This is another brilliant and reusable option to satisfy all your wrapping needs.
5. Buy and use handmade decorations – Not only do you get beautiful and unique decorations, but you are also making a sustainable and mindful choice.
6. Reuse Christmas decorations from previous years – If you already have Christmas decorations, then why not keep and re-use them, instead of buying new ones? By doing so, you avoid the impact of production and distribution, which is taxing on the environment.
7. Send Christmas e-cards – Going paper-free has great benefits, including avoiding the unsustainable processes involved in making Christmas cards. So, where possible, delight your friends and loved ones with a festive e-card instead!
8. Go meat-free – There are sustainable alternatives to pretty much everything, and that is particularly true when it comes to food. You can enjoy a healthy and delicious Christmas meal with your family, without the addition of meat. Why not give nut roast a try this year?
9. Cut food waste – If you can, only buy the food you know you will be able to use in time. If you find yourself with leftovers, try freezing them for a handy dinner another night! It is also a great idea to consider the packaging of the products you buy – avoid plastic wrapping as much as possible!
10. Re-wear Christmas jumpers – You know that funky Christmas jumper you had from last year? Chances are it is still just as funky this year! Re-wear it this year as well, instead of buying a new one, to spread twice the joy.
Which of these tips will you be using this Christmas? Remember, every little one of your actions contributes to the greater picture of crafting a healthier and happier planet for us all.
Stay safe, stay happy, stay green,
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